Data Sheet

17. Electronic Efciency
Electronic Efciency is dened as the Useful Power Output
divided by the Total Power Input.
Build the circuit to the left and press the switch (62). The
LED (69) will light, but the lamp (76) will not light. There is
resistance built into the LED (69) to protect it (too much
current could damage an LED), and this resistance is limiting
the current in the circuit. Yet this circuit shows that the
LED (69) is more efcient than the lamp (76) because it still
produces light (useful output power) even at the lower current.
18. House Wiring
Build the circuit to the left. Turn ON the
switch (62) and the LED (69), the lamp (76),
and the motor (95) will all be on at the same
time. In this circuit the LED (69), the lamp
(76), and the motor (95) are in parallel.
Pretend the LED is a television, the motor is
a ceiling fan, and the lamp is a house lamp on
an end table. Just like in your home, you can
turn any one of these OFF by removing them
from the circuit and the rest will stay ON.
This demonstrates why your house wiring
uses parallel circuits and not series circuits.
1st level
1st level
2nd level
2nd level