Data Sheet

49. Touch-controlled
Sound Effects
Build the circuit shown. Press the
switch (62) and you will hear the siren
from the speaker (93). Now touch the
touch plate (80) several times and you
will hear gun sounds. Hold the touch
plate (80) and you will hear machine
gun sounds.
Note that in this circuit your nger is a
good enough conductor to activate the
gun sounds with the touch plate (80)
even though your nger was not a good
enough conductor to activate the LED
(69) in project #30. This is because the
input T2 is a low impedance input, which
means that it has a very low opposition
to current ow. So for input T2, even
your nger is a good enough conductor
to allow enough current to ow from T2.
50. Siren Sound Effects
Turn the switch (62) ON and you will hear the siren from the speaker (93). Press switch (61) and now you will hear the
Fire Engine Siren. Turn OFF the switch (62) and replace the press switch (61) with the touch plate (80).
Turn ON the switch (62) and you will hear the siren, but now when you touch the touch plate (80) it does not activate
the Fire Engine Siren. This is because T1 has a higher input impedance so your nger is not a good enough conductor to
allow current to ow to T1.
51. Magnet-controlled Alarm Siren
Replace the press switch (61) in the circuit above with the reed switch (83). Move the magnet (7) towards the reed
switch (83) and you will hear the Fire Engine Siren. This circuit simulates motion detection alarms that are in your house.
1st level
1st level
2nd level
Level block