Data Sheet

55. Music (II)
Build the circuit shown. Turn
ON the switch (62) and a song
should play from the speaker
(93). The IC in the Three-in-One
(11) is programmed to play
music when the I/O1 input is
grounded (connected to 0V).
56. Reset Switch
Press the switch (62), you will
hear some music from the
speaker (93). Hold the press
switch (61) and the music will
restart. Note that the music
stops when you release the
press switch (61).
57. Touch Reset
Turn the switch (62) ON. Use your nger to touch the touch plate (80) and the music will restart. Finger touching can
be faster than a switch to reset music. The circuits in projects #56 and #57 are often used in infant toys where some
sounds are made by just touching a button while other sounds require the infant to hold the button.
58. Proximity Music Or Warning
Replace the press switch (61) with the reed switch (83), then press the switch (62). Moving the magnet (7) towards
the reed switch (83) will restart the music. Moving the magnet (7) away will stop the music. The magnet (7) on the reed
switch (83) could be like sensors on your car that activate a warning sound when it gets too close to an object.
1st level
1st level
2nd level
Level block