Data Sheet

Other E-Blox
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72 Projects
35 pieces, including a maze,
hand crank generator, LEDs,
buzzer, switches, and more!
120 Projects
49 pieces, including a sound
module, FM radio module, LEDs,
speaker, motor, fans, and more!
395 Projects
66 pieces, including resistors,
capacitors, transistors, LEDs,
motor, fans, and more!
800 Projects
78 pieces, including an inductor
coil, magnet spinner, resistors,
capacitors, transistors, and more!
32 pieces, including 25
transparent spacer blox.
Lights Plus
19 pieces, including 12 LED
blox and USB port.
Lights Deluxe
147 pieces, including 24 LED
blox and USB port.
Sound activated! Touch activated!
Sound and Touch
59 Projects
25 pieces, including a motor,
fan, ber optic tree, LEDs,
buzzer, switches, and more!