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Other E-Blox
Story Blox™ include a storybook with QR codes that create an interactive learning environment using
online resources. Eight models are built one at time in several parts of the story using a fully illustrated
and easy-to-follow assembly manual, further enhancing the learning experience.
Seymour E. Blox and his robot
Robyn investigate a mysterious
light in the distant ocean horizon.
They meet some interesting
characters along the way while
traveling in a boat that you build!
Ride along with Seymour E. Blox as
he travels in an organic submarine
named Mimi that travels faster
than the speed of sound under
water. Help Seymour repair a
very famous bridge that is being
destroyed by industrial pollution in
a large and ancient city.
An exciting adventure story
where Seymour E. Blox climbs
a mountain on faith alone and
discovers a secret cave that holds
the answers to many mysteries
about the Earth’s history, extinct
animals, old memories, a new
home, and much more.