Quick Start Guide

Connect the Aeon Labs Siren to your alarm system Quick install Guide
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Connect the Aeotec ZW080 Siren to your Alarm System
The Aeotec ZW080 Siren can be used to connect to your e-Domotica alarm system. This means the siren will make a loud noise the
moment the alarm has been activated. In this manual you will learn how to connect the siren to your e-Centre, how you can integrate it
in different scenes, how you can create a countdown and how you can connect the siren to your alarm situation.
1. Logging in to your e-Centre
Start your computer or notebook.
Open a browser, for example Chrome or Firefox.
Open the e-Centre webpage via http://ecentre. Or go to the IP address of
the e-Centre, for example
Log in with the standard PIN code 1234, or use your own PIN code.
2. Add the Aeotec Siren to your e-Centre
For starters we will learn how to add your siren to the e-Centre. Please follow
the steps below to proceed:
Go to ‘e-Domotica Products’
Click ‘Include’ at the right corner
Click the action button once. In the picture on the left you can see where
you can find the action button
Wait for the e-Centre to find the siren. When finished name it, choose a
location and choose an icon. When done click ‘Save’.
Apply the settings. In our example we chose the settings below:
Name: Siren
Location: Hallway
Icon: Siren
As told before you can save the settings by clicking the ‘Save-button.
3. Add scenes to your e-Centre
Up next we will create a scene that will be activated when the alarm has been
activated. Please follow the next steps:
Go to ‘Scenes’
At the right down corner click ‘Add’
Name the scene. For example: ‘Siren on
Click ‘Add’ again
Fill in the settings below:
o Device: Siren
o Feature: Switch
o Action: Assign to
o Value: On
Besides this we have to add a countdown. In our example we picked 60
At the right down corner click ‘Add’
Check the box that says ‘Expert mode’
Apply the settings below:
o Group: Clock
o Feature: Countdown 1
o Action: Assign to
o Value: 60
Save the settings
Save the scene

Summary of content (2 pages)