User's Manual

May 2000
Part No. 001-2008-204
High Speed Data Bus (HSDB) connects all
repeaters at a site and continually sends updates on the
status of each repeater. This information screen pro-
vides a list of all repeaters at the site (1 to 20). If a
repeater is not sending data, IDLE is next to the
repeater number. The data sent by the repeater is used
to determine the Home, GID and UID of destination
(mobile) users to receive the call placed by the origi-
The Home column refers to the Home repeater
number of the originator, therefore the Repeater num-
ber and the Home number may not be the same num-
ber. The UID is the Unique ID used to identify the
originator of special calls. The GID column refers to
the Group ID of the talk group of the originator
(236=UID Call, 237 Telco call). The GoTo column
shows the repeater channel all destination users switch
to so they receive the call.
Figure 4-20 HSDB MONITOR
This is an information screen used at the repeater
site while the computer (laptop) is connected to the
MPC in the repeater being monitored. This informa-
tion is contained in the receive data stream exchanged
between the repeater and the destination user (mobile)
and the data content of the repeater transmit data
stream. The message contains data received from the
destination and data sent to the mobile by the repeater.
The repeater receives the destinations: Unique ID,
Home Repeater Number, Group ID, Priority, Status
and Time Stamp. The information sent to the destina-
tion in the update message from the repeater includes:
Unique ID of originator, Home Repeater Number,
Group ID, GoTo Channel Number, Free Channel
Number and Priority of the current repeater. The time
stamp is included because messages are sent continu-
ally and this provides a reference for when a data
exchange took place.
4.5.3 RF DATA
The A/D Monitor Screen shows the state of the
lines (see Figure 4-22). These lines are monitored by
the A to D converter in the IAC. The normal values
for each line are defined as follows.
Synthesizer Lock Lines Yes or No
Forward Power (LP) 25-85 Watts
Forward Power (HP) 885-175 Watts
Reflected Power 0-6 Watts
Final Out (ratio) approx equal
Chassis Temp 27°C-55°C
Wideband Audio Output approx 200
LO Injection approx 200
RSSI 20-150
Fan Current 100-200, 0
Fan On or Off
Power Supply Temp 22°C-45°C
Battery Voltage 21V-28V
Values with no label are the actual A to D read-
ing. To calculate the voltage on the line, divide the
value by 51. Example: Value ÷ 51 = Volts. Any varia-
tion from the above values may indicate a problem in
that area. Values on this screen are relative measure-
ments only.