User's Manual

Table Of Contents
time. It can be programmed for 15 seconds to 3
minutes, 45 seconds or it can be disabled.
If the transmitter is keyed for longer than the
programmed time, the transmitter is disabled, a contin-
uous tone sounds, and “TX TIMEOUT” is displayed.
Five seconds before time-out occurs, a warning beep
sounds to indicate that time-out is approaching. The
timer and tone are reset by releasing the PTT switch.
A different time can be programmed for each
system, and the timer can be enabled or disabled on
each conventional channel. With conventional chan-
nels, a penalty time may also be programmed that
prevents transmissions for a certain time after the
transmitter is disabled (see Section 5.6).
One use of this feature is to prevent a channel
from being kept busy for an extended period by an
accidentally keyed transmitter. It can also prevent
possible transmitter damage caused by transmitting for
an excessively long period.
If the Home Zone option switch or menu param-
eter is programmed, it selects the preprogrammed
home zone. The selected channel is displayed if the
channel switch is enabled, and the preprogrammed
home channel is selected if it is disabled.
Pressing and holding the Home Zone option
switch until a tone sounds makes the currently selected
zone the new Home zone. The radio is also
programmed so that either the home or last selected
zone is selected when power is turned on. Refer to
Section 3.3 for more information.
Each conventional channel and SMARTNET/
SmartZone and P25 Trunked system can be
programmed for high, low, or switchable power. If the
High/Low Power option switch or menu parameter is
programmed and selectable power is programmed on
the current channel or system, high and low trans-
mitter power can be selected. All models support high
and low power. The low power level is typically 1 watt
and the high power level the rated power output of the
radio (2.5 - 5 watts, depending on frequency band).
The new level is flashed in the display as either
“HI POWER” or “LOW POWER”. If selectable
power is not permitted on the current channel,
“FIXED LOW” or “FIXED HIGH” is flashed and no
change occurs. The selected power level for a channel
or system is permanent until it is manually changed
again. The low power mode may be automatically
selected during a low battery condition (see
Section 3.4).
The various alert tones that sound are described
in Section 7.1. These tones can be turned on and off if
the Alert Tone option switch or Tones menu parameter
is programmed. When all tones are off, “TONE OFF”
is momentarily displayed, and when all tones are on,
“TONE ON” is momentarily displayed. If this switch
or menu parameter is not programmed, tones are fixed
in the on or off mode by programming. If the Surveil-
lance mode is programmed (see following), tones are
totally disabled.
The Alert Tone volume can be adjusted relative to
the volume control setting. This is done by program-
ming and also by the user if the Tone Volume Adjust
option button or menu parameter is programmed.
Relative levels of –170 to +170 can be set with “0” the
default setting. A minus value decreases the tone
volume and a plus value increases it. The user adjusted
level permanently overrides the programmed level if
The Surveillance mode totally disables the back-
light, all alert tones, and front panel LED indicator in
all operating modes. The radio can be fixed in this
mode by programming or it can be turned on and off
by the user if the Surveillance Mode option button or
menu parameter is programmed. The user selected
mode permanently overrides the programmed mode if
applicable. To provide a transmit indication when the
front panel LED is disabled, the icon is displayed
(see Section 2.4). This icon is displayed only in the
surveillance mode.