Operator's Manual

September 2001
Part No. 001-5100-001
Answer Only - Telephone calls can be received but
not placed.
List Only
- Telephone calls can be placed and
received, and numbers can be recalled from memory
- Telephone calls can be placed and
received, and numbers can be recalled from memory
or dialed using a microphone keypad.
SMARTNET/SmartZone Phone Interconnect
Private Call
This is the same as above, except for private
(unit-to-unit) calls. Refer to Section 2.7.4 for more
Private Call II
This programs either standard or enhanced
private calls as follows:
- The user does not receive any feedback
when the called radio is not active in the system.
Only a “No Answer” is received if the called radio
does not answer.
- When a call is placed, the system tells the
user if the called radio is currently active in the sys-
tem and within range. The calling radio displays “No
Ack” if the called radio is not active in the system
and “No Answer” if it is active but does not answer.
Phone DTMF Timing
Initial Delay
- Delay from 50-500 milliseconds from
when a traffic channel is granted for phone intercon-
nect to the start of the dialing out of the phone
Digit Duration
- Duration from 50-500 milliseconds
of each phone number digit.
Inter-Digit Delay
- Delay from 50-500 milliseconds
between each digit of a phone number. start here
The SMARTNET/SmartZone Talk Groups screen
shown above is used to set up SMARTNET/
SmartZone talk groups and program unique talk group
information. The parameters programmed in this
screen are as follows:
Talk Group
- Selects the talk group to program. This
is the actual ID of the talk group. Talk groups are
added or deleted by clicking the Add TG or Delete
TG button (see following). Talk groups are assigned
to channels on the channel screen (see Section 3.6.9).
- Clicking this button displays a dialog
box that adds a new talk group. The alias (alpha tag)
of up to ten characters is entered, and the new group
is then added after the others that are already set up.