Operating Manual

3. With conventional channels, to add the channel to the scan list and exit
this mode, press the
F4. With SMARTNET/SmartZone channels, press
the “
1” key and then F4.
Secure Communication
This transceiver may be optionally equipped to provide secure com-
munication on some or all channels. This feature encrypts your voice so
that it can be understood only by someone using a transceiver equipped
with a similar encryption device and encryption codes.
When a secure call is received or transmitted,
Sec” is indicated in
the upper part of the display. Secure communication can be programmed
on a per channel basis to operate in various ways. If equipped with the
Clear/Secure option switch and the current channel is programmed to
allow switch selection, secure communication can be manually enabled
and disabled by that switch. In the receive mode, secure calls may be
autodetected or only calls coded like the transmit signal may be received.
If your transceiver has this feature, consult your system operator for more
information on how it functions in your application.
Transceiver Operating Modes
Each selectable channel can be programmed for either the conven-
tional or SMARTNET/SmartZone operating mode. For example, Zone 1/
Channel 1 could be a conventional channel, Zone 1/Channel 2 a SMART-
NET channel, and so on. Consult your system operator to determine the
type or types of operation programmed in your transceiver. More infor-
mation on these modes follows.
- This is a non-trunked operating mode which accesses
independent radio channels (there is no automatic access to several chan-
nels). Monitoring before transmitting may not be automatic in this mode,
so you may need to manually monitor the channel before transmitting to
make sure that it is not in use. Either analog or digital (Project 25) signal-
ing may be used. When a digital channel is selected, “
DIG” is indicated
in the upper part of the display. Channel monitoring and other operating
features unique to conventional channels are described starting on
page 29.