Operating Manual

If in the secure mode and your transceiver does not have the proper
encryption key, “KEYFAIL” is displayed and the call must be made
in the clear mode (selected by the Clear/Secure option switch if
enabled on the channel).
If the busy tone sounds and “BUSY” is displayed, the system is busy.
Release the PTT switch and wait for the call back tone to sound. Then
press the PTT switch within 3 seconds and begin talking.
If a continuous tone sounds while pressing the PTT switch and “NO
SYS” is displayed, you may be out-of-range. Drive closer or away
from shielding objects and try again.
If your unit ID is invalid, the call is being made to an invalid group
ID, or group calls are not allowed, “REJECT” is displayed and an
alert tone sounds.
If an attempt is made to select the secure mode and there is no avail-
able secure channel, “NO SEC” is flashed and the call continues in the
clear mode.
If an attempt is made to change from the secure to the clear mode and
this is not permitted, “SEC ONLY” is displayed and the call continues
in the secure mode.
Receiving a Standard Call
Group calls are automatically received if a SMARTNET/SmartZone
channel is selected. The display alternately indicates the unit ID and talk
group when a call is received (if enabled by programming).
Enhanced Private Conversation Calls
Private calls allow you to place a call to a specific mobile unit.
Either the Enhanced Private Conversation™ or Private Conversation II™
modes may be programmed depending on the capabilities of the radio