Operator's Manual

The following information describes features unique to the
SMARTNET and SmartZone operating mode (see brief description on
page 29). Refer to the preceding “Conventional Features” section for
information on features common to that operating mode, and to the
“General Information” section starting on page 18 for information on
features common to all operating modes.
Viewing Unit ID
Each radio in a SMARTNET system is identified with a six-digit
system ID and Unit ID. To display these IDs, make sure that a
SMARTNET channel is selected and then turn power off and then on
again. The system ID is briefly displayed as SYxxxxxx followed by the
Unit ID as EDxxxxxx.
Standard Group Calls
Standard group calls are between you and another mobile, group of
mobiles, or a control station (a radio at a fixed location). Most calls you
make will probably be this type.
Placing a Standard Group Call
1. Turn power on and set the volume as described on page 18. Select the
channel programmed for the talk group you want to call (see page 21).
A regular or announcement talk group can be selected.
2. If encryption is used, it may be automatically selected. If not, select the
secure mode if desired by pressing the Clear/Secure option switch.
Refer to “Secure Communication” on page 28 for more information.
3. Press the PTT switch and when the alert tone sounds, begin talking.
Other indications that may occur are as follows: