User Manual

2. When the emergency alarm is acknowledged, “ACK
RCVD” is briefly displayed and the emergency
acknowledge tone (two beeps) sounds. This alert
tone can be disabled if desired. Silent operation may
also be programmed in which case no tone sounds
and there is no indication that an acknowledgment
3. The radio continues to transmit this message until an
acknowledgment is received or until 30 attempts
have been made. To exit this mode, power must be
turned off.
An emergency call occurs if the PTT switch is
pressed after pressing the Emergency switch or
selecting the menu parameter as above and the system
of the selected channel is programmed for emergency
If the PTT switch is pressed on a P25 channel, an
emergency indication is sent according to the P25
standard (the emergency bit is set in the Common Air
Interface). If it is pressed on an analog channel, the
DTMF emergency ID is sent in place of the ANI
DTMF PTT ID if applicable. To place this call,
proceed as follows:
1. Select a channel of a system on which the Emer-
gency Call is enabled and press the Emergency
option switch or select that menu parameter.
2. To place the emergency call, manually press the
PTT switch and begin speaking as with a standard
call. If the channel is changed, operation continues
on the new channel in the emergency mode.
3. To exit this mode, power must be turned off.
5.11.1 GENERAL
Channel scanning features common to all oper-
ating modes are described in Sections 4.8 and 4.9. The
following information describes features unique to
conventional operation.
Each conventional scan list can be programmed
for one of the following modes. These modes deter-
mine if priority sampling occurs and also the channel
on which transmissions occur while scanning. Refer to
the next section for more information on priority
No Priority - No priority channel sampling occurs
when the list is selected. The radio transmits on the
selected channel.
Priority/Tx Selected - Priority sampling occurs and
the priority channel or channels are those programmed
in the selected scan list. The radio transmits on the
selected channel.
Priority/Tx Priority (1) - Priority sampling occurs
and the priority channel or channels are those
programmed in the selected scan list. The radio trans-
mits on the priority (1) channel.
Priority (1) on Selected - The priority (1) channel is
always the selected channel. The radio transmits on
the selected channel.
Talkback - No priority sampling occurs. The radio
transmits on the channel of a call while scanning is
halted. Then once scanning resumes, it transmits on
the selected channel.
NOTE: The following describes priority sampling
when scanning conventional channels. Priority
sampling when scanning SMARTNET/SmartZone/P25
Trunked channels is described in Section 6.12.
The priority channel sampling feature ensures
that when standard scanning, messages on the priority
channel are not missed while listening to a message on
some other channel. The transceiver can be
programmed as just described so that the priority
channel is a fixed channel programmed in the current
scan list, the currently selected channel, or not used.