User Manual

Elevator down
Aileron right
Rudder right
Elevator up
Aileron left
Rudder left
Left side view
Rear view
Top view
Left side view
Rear view
Top view
Pitch down
Roll leftRoll right
Pitch up
Yaw right Yaw left
Stability and Acro Flight Modes are available in both airplane fl ight and
multirotor fl ight. The basic function of each mode is the same regardless of
what realm of fl ight is active.
Stability Mode
Stability Mode limits the bank and pitch angle of the aircraft. The aircraft will
self-level if you release the transmitter sticks.
Acro Mode
Acro Mode removes the bank angle limits and will not self-level the aircraft
if you release the transmitter sticks. Acro Mode is intended for experienced
pilots who are comfortable fl ying the aircraft in any orientation.
The following table gives the switch positions and a brief description of the
possible fl ight conditions available.
Flight Conditions
Multirotor Flight
(Switch H, Position 1)
Airplane Flight
(Switch H, Position 0)
Stability Mode
(Switch A, Position 0)
Limited bank angle
Very little pitch change
Forward and backward
ight is achieved
through angling of the
main motor nacelles
• Self-levelling
• Elevons inactive
Tail motor runs
Use this condition for all
takeoffs and landings
Limited bank angle
• Self-levelling
• Elevons active
Tail motor does not run
Do not attempt to
land or takeoff in this
Acro Mode
(Switch A, Position 1)
Unlimited bank and
pitch angles
Does not self- level
• Elevons inactive
Tail motor runs
Do not attempt to
land or takeoff in this
condition if you are an
inexperienced pilot
Unlimited bank and
pitch angles
Does not self-level
• Elevons active
Tail motor does not run
Do not attempt to
land or takeoff in this