Instruction manual

Binding is the process of programming the receiver to recognize the GUID
(Globally Unique Identifi er) code of a single specifi c transmitter. You need to
‘bind’ your chosen Spektrum
technology equipped aircraft
transmitter to the receiver for proper operation.
IMPORTANT: Before binding a transmitter, read the Transmitter Setup section
of this manual to ensure that your transmitter is properly programmed for this
Binding Procedure
IMPORTANT: The included AR636 receiver has been programmed for
operation specifi cally for this aircraft. Refer to the receiver manual for cor-
rect setup if the receiver is replaced or is used in another aircraft.
Read the transmitter instructions for binding to a receiver (location of
transmitter’s Bind control). Please visit www.bindnfl for a com-
plete list of compatible transmitters.
CAUTION: When using a Futaba
transmitter with a Spektrum DSM
module, you must reverse the throttle channel and rebind. Refer to your
Spektrum module manual for binding and failsafe instructions. Refer to
your Futaba transmitter manual for instructions on reversing the throttle
1. Make sure the transmitter is powered off.
2. Move the transmitter controls to neutral (fl ight controls: rudder,
elevators and ailerons) or to low positions (throttle, throttle trim).**
3. Install a bind plug in the receiver bind port extension.
4. Connect the fl ight battery to the ESC. The ESC will produce a series
of sounds. One long tone, then 3 short tones confi rm that the LVC is
set correctly for the ESC. The orange bind LED on the receiver will
begin to fl ash rapidly.
5. Power on the transmitter while holding the transmitter bind button
or switch. Refer to your transmitter’s manual for binding.
6. When the receiver binds to the transmitter, the orange bind light on
the receiver will turn solid and the ESC will produce a series of three
ascending tones. The tones indicate the ESC is armed, provided the
throttle stick and throttle trim are low enough to trigger arming.
7. Remove the bind plug from the bind port extension.
8. Safely store the bind plug (some owners attach the bind plug to their
transmitter using two-part loops and clips).
9. The receiver should retain the binding instructions received from the
transmitter until another binding is done.
* The throttle will not arm if the transmitter’s throttle control is not put at
the lowest position. If you encounter problems, follow the binding instruc-
tions and refer to the transmitter troubleshooting guide for other instruc-
tions. If needed, contact the appropriate Horizon Product Support offi ce.
If the receiver loses transmitter communication, the failsafe will activate.
When activated, the airplane controls return to the neutral position estab-
lished during step 2 of the binding procedure.
Transmitter and Receiver Binding
The Spektrum AR636 receiver is recommended for ths airplane. If you choose
to install another receiver, ensure that it is at least a 6-channel full range
(sport) receiver. Refer to your receiver manual for correct installation and
operation instructions.
Installation (AR636 shown)
1. Remove the wing from the fuselage.
2. Mount the receiver parallel to the length of the fuselage as shown. Use
double-sided servo tape.
CAUTION: Incorrect installation of the receiver could cause a crash.
3. Attach the appropriate control surfaces to the their respective ports on the
receiver using the chart in the illustration
PNP Receiver Selection and Installation
Bind Plug Installation
1 = Throttle
2 = Aileron
3 = Elevator
4 = Rudder
5 = Gear
6 = Flaps