Owner manual

5 - Effects
Core Effects Descriptions
100 Creative Professional
Vocal Compression/Spoken Word:
This setup compresses the entire dynamic range of the vocal. Whenever there is a signal
present, there is some compression taking place.
Threshold: Adjust so that the first bar of the meter comes on even on soft
Ratio: 2:1
Attack: 0.1 msec
Release: 100 msec
Gain: Set to compensate for lost gain.
Soft Knee: Off
Gate: Off
Comp. Lookahead: 0 msec
Auto-release: Off
Max. Compression: 12dB
Backwards Drums & Cymbals:
This is a special effect which reverses the volume envelope of cymbals and drums.
Threshold: -37dB (adjust according to the sound)
Ratio: -1:1 (Neg. Compression enabled)
Attack: Instantaneous
Release: 200 msec
Gain: +19dB
Soft Knee: Off
Gate: Off
Comp. Lookahead: -24 msec
Auto-release: Off
Max. Compression: Unlimited