Owner manual

5 - Effects
Core Effects Descriptions
64 Creative Professional
3-Band EQ
This versatile equalizer provides two shelving filters at the high and low ends of the
frequency range and a fully parametric band in the center. Up to ±24 dB of boost or cut
is provided for each band.
Low Shelf Mid Band High Shel
Note: The Wet/Dry
Mix control on an
equalizer should normally
be set to 100% wet or
unpredictable results may
Setting up a Parametric EQ
Parameter Description
High Shelf Gain Sets the amount of cut (-) or boost (+) of the high frequency shelf.
Range: -24dB to +24dB
High Corner Freq. Sets the frequency where the signal begins getting cut or boosted
with the High Gain control. Range: 4kHz to 16kHz
Mid Gain Sets the amount of cut (-) or boost (+) of the mid frequency band.
Range: -24dB to +24dB
Mid Freq. 1 Sets the range of frequencies to be cut or boosted with the Mid
Gain control. Range: 200Hz to 3kHz
Mid Bandwidth Sets the width of the frequency range for the Mid Center
Frequency band that will be cut or boosted by the Mid Gain
control. Range: 1 semitone to 1 octave
Low Shelf Gain Sets the amount of cut (-) or boost (+) of the low frequency shelf.
Range: -24dB to +24dB
Low Corner Freq. Sets the frequency where the signal begins getting cut or boosted
with the Low Gain control. Range: 50Hz to 800Hz
1. Turn up the gain on the band you are working with. This allows you to easily hear
the effect of the filter.
2. Reduce the bandwidth if you are working with a mid-band.
3. Adjust the Center Frequency to “zero-in” on the frequencies you wish to boost/cut.
4. Set the Gain to a positive value to boost frequencies or to a negative value to cut
out frequencies.
5. Widen the Bandwidth to create a more natural sound.
6. Adjust and tweak as needed.