
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer
Mixer Strip Creation
32 Creative Professional
The Insert Menu
Right-Clicking over the insert section brings up a pop-up selection box containing
various insert options to help you control and manage your inserts.
To Add a Send Insert:
This type of insert send splits the signal at the insert point and sends it out to the selected
destination. (An “ASIO Send” becomes an input on your recording application, a
“Physical Out” goes to a pair of output jacks. the signal also continues down the strip to
the Aux Sends and main mixer outputs.)
1. Right-Click over the Insert section. A pop-up dialog box appears.
2. Select Insert Send (to ASIO/WAVE or physical output) from the list of options. The
following dialog box appears.
3. Choose one of the Send Outputs. Click on a destination to select it.
4. Click OK to select the output or Cancel to cancel the operation.
To Add a Send/Return Insert:
This type of insert send breaks the signal at the insert point and sends it out to the
selected destination such as an external effect processor. A return source signal is also
selected which returns the signal to the channel strip after processing.
1. Right-Click over the Insert section. A pop-up dialog box appears.
2. Select “Insert Send/Return (Physical Output and Input)” from the list of options.
The following dialog box appears.
Main Output Bus
Aux 1 Bus
Aux 2 Bus
Physical Output