User Manual

Advanced Settings Page
The Sensitivity setting is for voice recognition. The “Length of phone
number” setting specifies the maximum number of digits that can be entered
as the phone number. These settings will improve recognition accuracy.
Sensitive: When you use this
setting, the voice recognition
system is not as strict while
performing voice recognition tasks,
in other words, under this setting
the system will respond to your
voice most of the time and you
won’t have many non-responsive
situations. You should set the
system to Sensitive when in
continually noisy environments, for
example when on a train or in a
factory, etc.
Normal: Normal is the default setting and is best for the average
Accurate: Under the Accurate setting, the system is more strict when
performing voice pattern matching. Recognition errors are less likely to
occur when you set the system to Accurate.
There are three fields in this screen, you can set different lengths in the
three fields respectively, or you may select None and ignore this setting.
The system default settings are 3, 7, and 10, this means that in Digital Dial
your system will recognize telephone numbers of 3, 7, and 10 digits in
If you check No constraint, the system will not constrain the length of the
telephone number that you input, any length of from 1 to 18 digits will be