Owner`s manual

Read all of this manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions, Warnings, and Dangers.
1. Key Switch / Direction Selector
Located on the dash panel, this switch permits the selection of either ‘F’ (forward), ‘R’ (reverse) or N (neutral). Vehicle
should be left with the key set to OFF, removed from the switch and the parking brake engaged when unattended.
2. Mode Switch
Located on the left side of the dash panel, this switch permits the selection of either gas powered rear wheel drive,
electric powered front wheel drive or four wheel drive utilizing both electric and gas powertrains at the same time.
3. State of Charge Meter
Located in the dash panel to the right of the mode switch, above the fuel gauge, this gauge indicates the amount of
usable power in the batteries, with ‘F’ indicating a full charge on the battery pack and ‘E’ indicating the battery pack
need to be charged.
4. Fuel Gauge with Low Oil Pressure Indicator
Located in the dash panel below the state of charge meter. The fuel gauge indicates the amount of gasoline in the
fuel tank, with ‘F’ indicating a full tank and ‘E’ indicating an empty fuel tank. The fuel gauge is equipped with a low oil
pressure indicator. A low engine oil pressure condition is alerted with a yellow indicator light.
5. Gas Engine Start Switch
Located on the dash panel to the right of the fuel gauge, this switch starts the gasoline engine when pressed with the
key switch turned to ON.
6. Regen Mode Switch
Located on the dash panel to the right of the state of charge meter and the fuel gauge. The operator can switch from
High and low regen mode to suit terrain/range conditions.
7. Light Switch
Located on the dash panel to the right of the regen mode switch. In the ON position the headlights and all dash panel
lights will be on, the OFF position will turn off power to all lights.
8. Accessory Switch Location
Rectangular hole plugs may be removed to accommodate switches for accessory items.
9. Winch Switch (if equipped)
Located in the driver side glove box.