User's Manual

. General System Failure Warning
As part of the opera tion of the system, the microprocessor monitors certain
functions and displays an internationally recognised warning symbol if it detects
a fault. The warning, which takes the form of an exclamation mark within a
triangle, will appear to the right of the battery status indicator (and to the right
of the temperature warning if this is active). The warning will appear if any of the
following faults are detected:
High humidity within the sealed case assembly.
This will occur if the plastics or the case seal are damaged and allowing
moisture into the camera.
Failure of the lens iris assembly
This warning symbol may appear briefly during normal operation, but the
camera must be returned to an authori sed service centre or the factory if the
warning symbol remains on.
Failure to act upon this level of warning may result in serious damage to the
system and may invalidate the warranty.
. Zoom Symbol
The zoom symbol indicates when the 2x zoom function is activated. This will
appear to the right of the battery status indicator.
. Image Capture Symbol
The image capture symbol appears for a short time over the battery status
indicator after the image capture button has been pressed. The screen will also
show which image number out of 26 has been captured.
. Transmitter ON/Channel Number Symbol
When the transmitter is turned on (if fitted), the transmitter ON/channel number
symbol will appear to the right of the battery status indicator.