Data Sheet

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12.2 Power supply requirement
The module power supply voltage is DC+3.3V. The power supply design needs to consider
the output current and power interference. The power supply current design needs to reserve
50mA. To avoid the +3.3V power supply from interfering with other circuits on the motherboard,
it is recommended to supply to the module using the regulator circuit alone. the recommended
DC-DC circuit structure shown in the figure below. A 4.7uF~10uF capacitor is connected in
parallel at 3_3VD output to filter out the interference. A bead is connected in series at 3_3VD
output. The bead and capacitor must be placed as close to the module as possible. If you need to
share +3.3V with other circuits, consider whether the current of the shared power supply is
Fig 10 Power supply Circuit schematic