User's Manual

GPR4 Utility Scanner
User Manual
Copyright © 2019 ESS, LLC. All rights reserved.
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a. Enter the Project Name, Site Location, Site Description, Operator, Survey Mode,
Notes, Service Provider, and Equipment Model. The Date Recorded and Time
Recorded fields will be updated automatically.
b. Map Frame Parameters Select the distance Units (feet or meters). The Latitude,
Longitude, and Elevation parameters will be updated automatically once the
survey begins using the GPS sensor in the sensor unit. The Magnetic
Declination and Map System fields are not used with the Pavement Scanner.
c. Local Frame Parameters Select the distance Units (feet or meters). Enter the
bearing of the first survey line in the Line 1 Azimuth field. The software will use
this value to correctly orient images on maps that are exported as KMZ or HTML
9. Move the scanner to the start position of the first line. Press the Next line or Previous
line buttons until the proper line number is displayed at the top of the screen.
Each time that one of these buttons is pressed, the system runs through a line
initialization sequence which tasks a few seconds. When the user hears an audible
beep from the tablet, the initialization sequence has completed. Therefore, users should
wait until the audible beep is heard before another line request.
10. Select File, New, and then choose a location and name for the database file. When
ready to begin the survey, press the Record data button . The button should appear
activated to indicate that data are being recorded. Move the cart along the survey line to
conduct the survey.
11. Users can place markers in the data file when the line traverses a point of interest
(usually an obvious surface feature). While recording data, a marked fiducial can be
placed in the datafile by pressing the icon.
12. When the cart has traversed the entire survey line, the Record data button will turn
off automatically and the button should appear inactivated. To terminate recording
before the end of the line, press the Record data button. Place the cart at the beginning
of the next line. Make sure that the cart is precisely at the beginning of the line,
otherwise there will be registration errors that appear on the map output. Press the Next
line or Previous line buttons until the proper line number is displayed at the top
of the screen. Finally, press the Record data button . The button should appear
activated to indicate that data are being recorded. Move the cart along the survey line to
conduct the survey.
13. Repeat steps 9 through 12 as necessary to cover all of the lines in the survey grid. If no
further surveys are to be conducted, power down the sensor and odometer.
Disassemble the survey cart and return all components to the shipping case.
5.4 Replaying Data
The ESS Utility Scanner allows replaying data so that plots can be re-examined and new
reports can be generated. To replay data, follow the instructions below.
1. Insure that the scanner unit and odometer are switched off.