User Manual

Rainbow Machine
Hey buddy, welcome to your new Rainbow Machine! The Rainbow
Machine is a polyphonic harmonizing modulation machine. It takes
modern DSP and uses it as a tool of future past to create real time
pitch shifting using digital oscillators. The sound is much different
than most modern day pitch shifting devices. It was imagineered to
be wild and out of control and slightly imperfect while still tracking up
and down the guitar neck without glitching out. A cold digital beast
made to pretend it has feelings. It will do basic polyphonic harmonies
from a 4th down through a 3rd up and every atonal pitch in between.
You may add in an accompanying octave to the harmony by bringing
up the Secondary function control. You can take it way beyond and
open up your third eye by bringing in the Magic. The Magic is the
heart of the Rainbow Machine. In conjunction with the Tracking
control, the Magic creates wild pitch take offs and descend’s, chaos
chorusing, shrieks, pixie trails, groans, gurgles, briggles, bruggles,
bridals and other general mayhem. An amazemerizing machine
of wizard blessed wizardry. A device of signal transformation and
imminent destruction. Totally not for purists and/or tone hounds.
The Rainbow Machine is true bypass with an all analog dry signal
path. It is made by hand in a basement in Akron, Ohio.
See reverse side for suggested settings.
Visit for contact, warranty and other
useful information.
Pitch- This controls the pitch of the harmony. All the way counter
clockwise is a 4th down, all the way clock wise is a 3rd up. The
middle position is unison. The pitch can be controlled by an expression
pedal as well.
Exp- This is an expression pedal control jack for the pitch. The
Pitch control is defeated when an expression pedal is inserted.
Primary- This controls the volume of the Primary pitch shifted signal.
Unity is about 2 O’clock, anything above will boost the signal.
Secondary- This controls the volume of the secondary pitch shifted
signal. The Secondary signal is one octave above the Primary from
noon up and one octave below from noon back. Unity is about 2
O’clock, anything above will boost the signal.
Tracking- This controls the amount of lag time between the direct
dry signal and the shifted wet signal. The pitch shifted signal will
track right on the dry signal when this control is all the way clock-
wise. It will start to lag behind the more it is reduced. This function
is especially useful when the “Magic” is engaged.
Magic- This adjusts the “weirdness” of the effect. The end result is a
wide variety of wild effects depending on where the other controls are
set. The magic control will only work if the magic switch is engaged
and the primary and/or secondary are in use. (Technically, it’s
a regeneration control that creates aliasing between a mix of the
primary and secondary functions feeding back against each other.)
Tone- All the way clockwise is full signal, reduce to soften the highs.
Activate- This is the bypass switch.
Magic- This turns the magic on or off. It is a jolt to the system so
a “pop” will be fairly common. The sound is not as obvious when
engaging the magic while playing. It can be reduced by clicking the
switch on and off a few times prior to use.
The Rainbow Machine does not use batteries. It requires an industry
standard negative center, 2.1mm barrel, regulated 9v power supply.
© 2011 EarthQuaker Devices LLC