EarthQuaker Erupter

Guitarist summer 2017
his all-analogue silicon transistor fuzz
pedal was inspired by the Fuzz Face and
the problems and limitations inherent
with that design (not least the necessity to
always ‘see’ the guitar’s pickups at the front of
the signal chain). Involving around two years of
experimentation to find the perfect tone, company
founder, Jamie Stillman, eventually succeeded in
creating “the perfect fuzz pedal”.
The inflexibility of Fuzz Faces in terms of
where they normally need to be situated in the
signal chain has been neatly stepped around by
introducing a pickup simulation within the pedal’s
circuit. The Erupter always ‘thinks’ it’s seeing a
pickup’s output, which opens up more creative
choices for guitarists (fuzzed flange, anyone?).
The result is a highly tuned and extremely flexible
little fuzz box.
Equally comfortable in front of or behind any
number of pedals, a special buffer within the
Erupter’s circuit beefs up the signal, which in turn
enables it to be cleaned up effectively on the fly. By
using the guitar’s volume, rather than adjusting
the pedal itself, a huge range of tones can be had
at your fingertips, from completely fuzzed-out
to crystal clear and everything in between. The
fuzz is unmistakable: an archetypal classic fuzz
sound redolent of late 60s/early 70s psychedelic
hard rock. Fuzz Faces are sometimes difficult
when it comes to cutting through a band mix,
but the Erupter manages this easily without the
higher-end frequencies sounding overly harsh and
with distinction and clarity at the lower-end of the
spectrum, even when using the pedal on full tilt.
Bias, being the Erupter’s only control knob, is
more of the ‘sounds usable everywhere’ kind of
bias, as opposed to the extreme/gated type. It can
be dialled in cooler or hotter, with a centre detent
for the sweet spot (no doubt suitable for most
players’ requirements).
Some may question if we really need yet another
Fuzz Face-style pedal on the market. However, if
you’re looking for one that sounds about as good as
they get, with tons more creative possibilities, then
the answer is a resounding yes!
EarthQuakEr DEvicEs
EarthQuaker take the less-is-more approach with a fuzzy revolution
in tone to create an indispensable pedal you never knew you needed
Words Rod Brakes  Photography Neil Godwin
Tech Spec
Origin: USA
Type: Fuzz pedal
FeaTures: True
bypass, NOS silicon
COnTrOls: Bias knob
Standard input,
standard output
pOwer: DC 9V AC
adapter (not supplied)
15mA, 9V battery
DimensiOns: 117 (w) x
66 (d) x 57mm (h)
Strong definition and clarity; dynamic range 
of fuzz tones using guitar volume; useful anywhere in 
the signal chain; high-quality build; small dimensions
It is a matter of taste!
EarthQuakEr DEvicEs
GIT423.peds_earth.indd 116 11/07/2017 16:49

Summary of content (1 pages)