Installation & Assembly

Flooring must be properly maintained in accordance with the enclosed maintenance instructions. Any
wear-through warranty must not have occurred as a result of improper maintenance, refinishing or
accidents, such as damages caused by scratching, impacting or cutting.
Flooring must only be used indoors. Premises where windows and/or doors that are not installed are
not consider indoors space. This warranty will not apply if the flooring is used in any outdoor
Any attempt to repair flooring will void this warranty.
This warranty excludes indentations, scratches, stains or damages caused by negligence, fire, water,
moisture, excessive heat or excessive dryness, erosion, pebbles, sand or other abrasives, pets, insects,
high heeled shoes, weather conditions or natural disasters, color variations, naturally occurring material
characteristics, failure to follow the written installation and maintenance instructions, improper
maintenance, insufficient protection, misuse or improper alterations of the original manufacturer’s
This warranty does not cover natural product expansion and contraction through time resulting in
separation between planks or damage due to exposure to excessive low or high humidity for a long
period of time.
Claim Procedure
All claims shall be reviewed on whether the finding should be justified to be conducted by an
independent flooring inspector. If the defect is due to other factors, a written reply shall be issued to the
claimer together with reasons.
Should a third party inspector be required, the claimer will be required to make a payment for the
inspection. The payment will be determined by the company of the independent inspector. The
inspector will perform an on-site inspection and will provide a full report to both parties. The inspector
must be licensed, and certified in wood flooring inspection.
Should the report not be justified for claim, the case will be considered dissolved and the claimer will
have to bear the cost of the inspection. If justification is claimable, the manufacturer will provide
suggestion to claimer to reach an agreement for reimbursement and settlement.
Any and all representatives, promises, warranties or statements by agents, installers, retailers, distributor
or employees that differ in any manner from this terms of limited warranty shall be void and in no force
unless in written form and signed by a duly authorized party.
Limitations on Liability
Consumer exclusive remedy and manufacturer’s sole liability on any claim, whether in tort, contract, or
breach of warranty, shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the defective goods for the
affected area only which are proven to manufacturer’s satisfaction to be defective in manufacture or
the refund of the applicable purchase price. In no event and for no cause whatsoever, including any
breach or default by manufacturer, shall manufacturer have any other liability (including without
limitation incidental or consequential damages) or any monetary liability to consumer in excess of the
contract price or prices of the pertinent products in question. All charges should be submitted to the
Customer Relations Department for evaluation and review.
Customer Relations Department