User's Manual

User Guide
8599110 2001 March Rev. B
DryView 8700/8500 Keypad
The DryView 8700/8500 Keypad is used only on 8700/8500 Laser Imager Standard
The numbered descriptions correspond to the numbered callouts in Figure 2-7.
1. Display Displays system status information.
2. Stop Key Stops the most recently queued print job. The job, including any
unprinted multiple copies, is deleted from the print queue.
3. Copies Key Sets the copy count (range: 1 9).
4. Print Key Places a print request in the print queue.
5. Format Keys Used to select the desired image format.
6. Acquire Key Used to acquire and store images in sequential order, starting in
the top row and working from left to right in each row.
7. Light Key Adjusts the brightness of the display backlighting.
8. Erase Key Deletes images in reverse order, starting with the last image stored.