User`s manual

DC-200 RAID card Users Manual
flash ROM.
In the lower part, it shows the status of RAID array, such as HDD
location, Event, Time and LBA. Hard Disk Rebuild
If a Hard Disk is damaged when running RAID 1 or RAID 0+1 mode,
a warning message will remind you of the failed HDD, please remove the
damaged HDD, connect a workable HDD and rebuild the array.
After you replace a broken HDD with a workable HDD and select
Hard Disk Rebuildfunction, the HDD Rebuildsub-window in the
monitor window will pop up for you to select a source HDD, after source
HDD is selected, target HDD will be automatically detected. Please click
a HDD in the left of the window to be source HDD, then press the
STARTbotton to start this process.
This function can work only in RAID 1 and RAID 0+1 configuraiton.
In RAID 0+1 array with 1 card, the RAID structure is PM-SM, PS-SS
In RAID 0+1 array with 2 cards, the RAID structure is 0PM-0SM,
1PM-1SM RAID 0, 0PM-1PM, 0SM-1SM RAID 1. (0, 1 means card 1
and card 2 respectively).
When you rebuild RAID 0+1, you must choose the mirrored HDD of
the failed HDD to be source HDD, otherwise, system will have problem.