
www.eaton.com/powerquality 
A unique, differentiating feature
of the Energy Management
System is its ability to archive
data and perform load profiling
across many months. The
information captured from each
branch circuit and the main
incoming/outgoing circuits is
stored on the local PDU control
board. An on-board, real-time
clock accurately time-stamps all
events. All the information can
be sent over the LAN to your
building management system.
Users can view data for the
previous 23 months to gain
valuable insight for managing
power consumption and
diagnosing issues. With this
innovative feature, you can
assess long-term load trends
and optimize utilization of
available power at all levels—
capabilities that will help extend
the useful life of existing
infrastructure and delay the
need for new investments.
Easy installation in new or
retrofit applications
The Energy Management
System is designed to
complement and effectively
work within a broad array
of data center and facilities
applications. It can be used in
a variety of products, such as
PDUs, remote power panels
and rack-based distribution
systems, as well as third-party
power distribution equipment.
Packaged kits are available for
use with any manufacturer’s
panelboards and breakers.
Retrofitting is a simple process,
given that the current sensors
don’t require any calibration
in the field, even if the
configuration of branch circuits
isn’t known.
A complete solution
Branch circuit monitoring
technology has been field-
proven for years, and recent
advances in technology and
design have made the solution
more affordable than ever.
It definitely provides cost-
effective insurance against
tripped circuits and unplanned
When comparing features
and technical specifications of
different systems, you’ll quickly
see that the Eaton Energy
Management System provides
more all-in-one functionality
than other vendors’ offerings.
It has the broadest list of
measured and reported critical
parameters in the market.
Features such as local display,
the ability to shunt trip main
breakers, and sub-feed
monitoring and coverage for
252 circuits in a single display
—which are add-on options
or unavailable with other
systems—are standard on ours.
Find out more about how the
Eaton Energy Management
System can add an essential
extra layer of reliability to the
management of your electrical
distribution system. Contact us
at 1.800.356.5794 or visit us on
the Web at www.eaton.com/
Load profiling;
current and
Per phase percent
current. power,
power factor
Panel board
Per phase
and current
Branch circuit
Sub-feed monitoring Branch circuit monitoring