Firmware Manual

Appendix A—Description of Parameters
190 PowerXL DG1 Series Adjustable Frequency Drives MN040004EN—March 2014
M36 34 PID2 Feedback 3, 4 RO
PID2 actual value feedback level.
M37 36 PID2 Error Value 3, 4 RO
PID2 difference between set point and feedback value levels.
M38 38 PID2 Output 3, 4 RO
PID2 output percentage to the motor.
M39 39 PID2 Status 3, 4 RO
PID2 status indication. Indicates if drive is stopped, running in PID mode, or in
PID sleep mode.
M40 26 Running Motors 2, 3, 4 RO
Number of auxiliary motors currently running.
M41 27 PT100 Temperature 1, 2, 3, 4 RO
PT100 thermistor temperature value in °C.
M42 28 Last Active Fault 1, 2, 3, 4 RO
Last active fault value. See fault codes for the value shown here.
M43 583 RTC Battery Status 1, 2, 3, 4 RO
Real-time clock battery status.
M44 1686 Instance Motor Power 1, 2, 3, 4 RO
Measured Instantaneous motor power draw in kW.
M45 2119 Energy Savings 1, 2, 3, 4 RO
Displayed energy value based off of format chosen.
M46 30 Multi-Monitoring 1, 2, 3, 4 RO
Multi-monitor screen. Allows for showing three monitoring values.
Code Modbus ID Parameter Application