User`s guide

Switched ePDU Advanced Features
User's Guide for Basic, Monitored, and Switched ePDUt S 164202115 Rev 1
Table 30. Settings Description
Parameter Type Description
Network Interface
These parameters include whether DHCP is enabled, as well as the static
IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway values. These parameters are
also available from the Network Settings menu.
Security Parameters The root password is the same as the Admin password. Changing the root
password here also changes the Admin password.
Hardware Parameters The serial port baud rate can be changed to 9600, 19200, or 38400.
The MAC address must be a unique number on your network; if the MAC
address needs to be changed, it can be modified here.
By default the CPU delays for 5 seconds to allow the user a chance to press
any key to enter this boot setup; this delay time can be lengthened or
Normally the Ethernet port auto-negotiates with the hub or switch, but the
duplex setting is used if auto-negotiation fails.
Reset System Defaults Resetting to defaults restores all settings (except the DHCP, IP address,
subnet mask, and default gateway settings) to factory defaults.
Select the Number of
Select the number of outlets that are present on your Switched ePDU.
Strapping ID This setting is the most important part of configuring strapping. Each
Switched ePDU connected together on a strapping bus must have a unique
strapping ID. The Switched ePDU with a strapping ID of 0 is the primary (or
master) Switched ePDU, and those with strapping IDs of 1 to 23 are
secondary (or slave) Switched ePDUs.
Reboot to FTP Server Select Y only when loading new firmware. The Switched ePDU reboots into
the FTP loader application
after making this selection.