User`s guide

Switched ePDU Admin Using Serial or Telnet
User's Guide for Basic, Monitored, and Switched ePDUt S 164202115 Rev 1
Humidity Sensor Setup
−− Humidity Sensor Main Menu −−
Sensor Name Enabled High Low Ctrl Outlet/Group State
Threshold Threshold Outlet/Group Name
1 Humidity 1 Yes 70 0 No Off
<b> = Back
Select Sensor Number:
Humidity probes are available as an accessory from Eaton. See the probe description
in “Temperature Sensor Setup” on page 46 for more information.
After connecting a probe containing a humidity sensor, the sensor must be enabled in
the software. If a humidity sensor is enabled in the software, but an actual sensor is
not connected, a humidity reading of 100% displays. Humidity sensors also have
configurable thresholds and can be set up to control outlets or groups based on the
thresholds. To configure these settings, enter the appropriate sensor number and
follow the prompts.
Table 8. Humidity Sensor Configuration
Setting Description
Sensor Name A maximum of 20 characters.
The outlet name displays in the interface and logs.
Enabled A sensor must be enabled before the readings display.
High Threshold When the readings cross above this threshold, e-mail alerts and/or SNMP traps
may be sent, depending on the Log Manager and SNMP Settings configuration.
Low Threshold When the readings cross below this threshold, e-mail alerts and/or SNMP traps
may be sent, depending on the Log Manager and SNMP Settings configuration.
If the sensor is to report only the humidity readings, set to No. If set to Yes, this
prompt continues with an opportunity to select an outlet or group to control.
NOTE If an outlet or group name is later changed, control from the sensors or
switches does not work until they are reconfigured with the new name.
State On or Off.
If the setting is On, the outlet or group turns on when the humidity is above the
upper threshold or below the lower threshold; the outlet or group turns off when
the humidity is between the upper and lower thresholds.
If the setting is Off, the outlet or group turns off when the humidity is above the
upper threshold or below the lower threshold; the outlet or group turns on when
the humidity is between the upper and lower thresholds.