User`s guide

Switched ePDU Admin Using Serial or Telnet
User's Guide for Basic, Monitored, and Switched ePDUt S 164202115 Rev 1
Display Sensor Measurements
−− Sensor Display Main Menu −−
Temperature 1: 73.70F
Temperature 2: 119.40F
Humidity 1: 22.8%
Switch 1: Open
Switch 2: Closed
Switch 3: Open
Any key to update display
<b> = Back
This menu option displays the current temperature, humidity, and contact sensor
readings. Sensor measurements are updated every few seconds; press any key to
refresh the screen with the latest measurements.
Display Power Log / VA Measurements
−− Power Log −−
Date Time Outlet Section 1 Outlet Section 2
1 05/29/2008 10:27 0.0 0.0
2 05/29/2008 10:32 0.0 0.0
3 05/29/2008 10:37 0.0 0.0
4 05/29/2008 10:42 0.0 0.0
5 05/29/2008 10:47 0.0 0.0
Press <ENTER> to cycle through measurements
<b> = Back
Power Log data is collected by multiplying the measured voltage and current to
calculate the apparent power and recording the result at the Power Log Interval
specified in the Voltage/Current Threshold Setup (see Table 10). Up to 50 hours
(60-minute time interval), 12 hours 30 minutes (15-minute time interval), or 4 hours
10 minutes (5-minute time interval) of history is available at any time.
NOTE Power Log data is maintained only while the Switched ePDU is in normal operation; all data is lost if
the Switched ePDU is rebooted or power is disconnected.
Unit Configuration Main Menu
−− Unit Configuration Main Menu −−
1 Unit Configuration
2 Network Settings
3 User Manager
4 Log Manager
5 Administrative Utilities
−− Other Choices −−
<b> = Back
<s> = Outlet/Environmental status
Select Item Number: