User`s guide

Switched ePDU Admin Using Serial or Telnet
User's Guide for Basic, Monitored, and Switched ePDUt S 164202115 Rev 1
Environmental Sensors
−− Sensor Display Main Menu −−
Temperature 1: 73.90F
Temperature 2: 119.30F
Humidity 1: 22.8%
Switch 1: Open
Switch 2: Closed
Switch 3: Open
Any key to update display
<b> = Back
This menu option displays the current temperature, humidity, and contact sensors
readings. Sensor measurements are updated every few seconds; press any key to
refresh the screen with the latest measurements.
Choose Strapping Device
The following secondary devices are connected to this primary unit.
ID Unit Name
−− −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
0 Switched ePDU
3 Switched ePDU3
4 Switched ePDU4
Note: Strapping connection may take 15 seconds to initialize.
Select Strapping Device:
Strapping is an advanced feature of the Switched ePDU. See Chapter 11, “Advanced
Features” on page 89 for more information.