User Manual

12/06 AWB2724-1584GB
Communication with the
target controller
Communication with the target controller
X Connect the PC to the routing PLC.
X Select the project for the target PLC with which you want to
X First of all define the communication parameters for the
connection between the PC and the PLC which is connected to
the PC.
X Enter the target ID (Target ID = Node ID!) of the target PLC, as
in the example, and log on.
You can run the following functions:
Program download
Online modification
•Program test (Debugging)
Create boot project
•Storing source code.
Note for project creation
You define 2 Node IDs in the target controller:
One ID for basic communication
One ID for routing
The Node ID/node number and the baud rate of the target PLC for
routing functions are set in the CAN/easy-Net window of the PLC
configuration, a figure 80:
X Enter the baud rate on the CANopen bus and the Node ID/node
number in the RS 232 l CAN routing settings field.
Node ID and baud rate are transferred to the controller with the
project download.
The IDs for basic communication are defined according to the
Master/Device function. The settings are made in the master PLC
in the CAN Parameters tab (a figure 81) or in the device PLC in
the CAN Settings tab (a figure 82).
Routing should only be carried out with CANopen baud
rates of at least 125 Kbit/s in order to ensure rapid data
Figure: 80: Routing settings of the EC4-200 target controller
Figure: 81: CAN master parameters
Figure: 82: CAN device parameters