User Manual

12/06 AWB2724-1584GB
Description of important
functions / function blocks
Example of text and values output
(with the Disp_DisplayElement FB) The display is required to
display the values of the variables “motor1” and “motor2”. The
two values are changed continuously by the user program.
Operations via the PLC inputs
I1 = FALSE: Status display
I1 = TRUE: Entry/output mode
I2 = FALSE: ESC button active
I2 = TRUE: ESC button disabled
I3 = TRUE: The first line is shown on the display.
I5 = TRUE: The third line is shown on the display.
The example program consists of programs:
The “startprogram” is called on system event “Start”.
The auxiliary variable g_xFirstCycleAfterStartProgram is set.
2 values are incremented.
The program “Visualisation” is called.
Registering and positioning of variables on the display in the
first cycle
The auxiliary variable g_xFirstCycleAfterStartProgram is
Activation of Entry/output mode (I1)
Start display (I3,I5)
Declare variables
X First declare for each text element that you wish to display, such
as “motor1”, a type String variable in the list
“Global_Variables_Display” as shown in the following example
(see also figure 90):
Creating auxiliary variables
X For the first program cycle call “Startprogram” on system event
X Set an auxiliary variable “g_xFirstCycleAfterStartProgram” in
this program that you reset after the first cycle is completed. The
auxiliary variable must be declared globally.a figure 90
Creating the program “StartProgram
X Write the program “StartProgram” as in a figure 92.
Creating the “PLC_PRG” program
Figure: 89: Example of text and values output
g_sDisp_String1 :STRING:='Motor1';
Figure: 90: Declaration of display variables
Figure: 91: Defining the system event
Figure: 92: Creating the “startprogram”
fbTimer1 :TON;
(* Display values of the application
byValue :BYTE;
wValue :WORD;
fbTimer1(IN:=NOT fbTimer1.Q , PT:=t#50ms );
IF fbTimer1.Q = TRUE THEN
byValue := byValue + 1;
wValue := wValue + 1;
Visualisation(); (* Call visualisation *)