User Manual

Interactive display
12/06 AWB2724-1584GB
Creating the program “Visualisation”
Depending on the status of auxiliary variable
“g_xFirstCycleAfterStartProgram” register the variables for which
the text/value is to be displayed:
X Program the function “Disp_RegisterVariable” with the
following example parameters: Disp_RegisterVariable
(`S1',ADR(g_sDisp_String1), Disp_TYP_STRING). Here the
variable is assigned the name S1.
X To display a value (type Byte) program a variable with the
function call Disp_RegisterVariable (‘V1’, ADR(byValue),
In this program section you can also define the position of the
variables on the display by specifying the Line and Column. Call
the function block (FB) “Disp_DisplayElement” and assign
parameters for the inputs sName, byLine, and byColumn, e.g.:
The element S1 with the text “motor1” would be displayed in the
first line starting from the first column.
In order to display/enter several elements call the function block
“Disp_DisplayElement” in the following program section that is
continuously processed and assign external inputs to the
“xEnable” inputs, e.g. I3.
X Start the programs.
Figure: 93: Function Disp_RegisterVariable
fbDisplayElement1.sName := 'S1';
fbDisplayElement1.byLine := 1;
fbDisplayElement1.byColumn := 1;
xIsDisplayEnabled: BOOL;
fbGetDisplayInfo: Disp_GetDisplayInfo;
fbDisplayElement1: Disp_DisplayElement;
fbDisplayElement2: Disp_DisplayElement;
fbDisplayElement3: Disp_DisplayElement;
fbDisplayElement4: Disp_DisplayElement;
byError: BYTE;
byValue: BYTE;
wValue: WORD;
(* Initialisation in the first cycle after program start *)
IF g_xFirstCycleAfterStartProgram = TRUE THEN
Disp_RegisterVariable('S1', ADR(g_sDisp_String1),
Disp_RegisterVariable('S2', ADR(g_sDisp_String2),
Disp_RegisterVariable('V1', ADR(PLC_PRG.byValue),
Disp_RegisterVariable('V2', ADR(PLC_PRG.wValue),
fbDisplayElement1.sName := 'S1';
fbDisplayElement1.byLine := 1;
fbDisplayElement1.byColumn := 1;
fbDisplayElement2.sName := 'S2';
fbDisplayElement2.byLine := 3;
fbDisplayElement2.byColumn := 1;
fbDisplayElement3.sName := 'V1';
fbDisplayElement3.byLine := 1;
fbDisplayElement3.byColumn := 8;
fbDisplayElement3.byDigits := 4;
fbDisplayElement3.byPrecision := 1;
fbDisplayElement4.sName := 'V2';
fbDisplayElement4.byLine := 3;
fbDisplayElement4.byColumn := 8;
fbDisplayElement4.byDigits := 6;
fbDisplayElement4.byPrecision := 1;
(* The first cycle is completed, reset flag *)
g_xFirstCycleAfterStartProgram := FALSE;
xIsDisplayEnabled := Disp_EnableDisplay(I1, I2);
fbDisplayElement1( xEnable:= I3 );
fbDisplayElement2( xEnable:= I5 );
fbDisplayElement3( xEnable:= I3 );
fbDisplayElement4( xEnable:= I5);