Cut Sheet

V10-T17-70 Volume 10—Enclosed Control CA08100012E—November 2012
Technical Data and Specifications
Reduced Voltage Starters
Protective Features
All protective features can be configured, enabled or disabled with the DIM or through the
communications network.
Motor Overload
The S811+ includes electronic
overload protection as
standard. The overload meets
applicable requirements for a
motor overload protective
device. The overload protects
the motor from over heat
conditions with the use of
sophisticated algorithms
that model true motor heating,
resulting in superior motor
protection and fewer nuisance
The S811+ calculates a
thermal memory value based
on the heat energy
introduced into the motor
during the start process. A
100% value represents the
maximum safe internal
temperature of the motor.
When the thermal memory
value reaches 100%, an
overload trip will occur
removing power to the
motor. Upon trip, the S811+
stores the calculated motor
heating value and will not
allow a motor re-start until
the motor has a thermal
memory value of less than
100%. This feature ensures
the motor will not be
damaged by repeated
overload trip, reset and re-
start cycles.
The thermal memory value
can be monitored through the
DIM or the communications
network. The thermal memory
value can be of great use in
determining an impending
overload trip condition.Alarms
can be implemented in the
process monitoring system
warning of an impending trip
before a trip occurs halting
the process. Costly system
downtime can be avoided.
The trip current is adjusted to
match the specific application
requirements by entering the
motor nameplate full load
current rating and trip class.
The FLA parameter is
adjustable from 32% to 100%
of the unit’s rated current.
The overload trip class is
adjustable from class 5
through class 30. The overload
is ambient temperature
compensated—meaning its
trip characteristics will not
vary with changes in ambient
temperature. The overload
protection can be enabled,
disabled, or disabled on start.
Short Circuit
The use of a short-circuit
protective device in
coordination with the S811+
is required in branch motor
circuits by most electrical
codes. Short-circuit
coordination ratings with
both fuses and Eaton molded
case circuit breakers are
available providing customers
with design flexibility.
The S811+ has short-circuit
coordination ratings as
an open component, an
enclosed starter, and in
a motor control center.
External E-Stop
Emergency Stop functionality
may be triggered from an
external source. Removal
of the 24 Vdc signal from
a terminal configured for
E-Stop will initiate an E-Stop
action. The External E-Stop
option is useful in applications
where it is desirable to
accomplish a motor shutdown
in the event that an external
condition(s) exist that will
damage system components
and/or product flows or
External Trip
External Trip functionality
may be triggered from an
external source. Removal of
the 24 Vdc signal from a
terminal configured for
External Trip will initiate an
External Trip action. The
External Trip option is useful
in applications where it is
desirable to accomplish a
motor stop in the event that
an external condition(s) exist
that will damage system
components and/or product
flows or operations.
Fault Warning Functionality
Selected protection
parameters may be assigned
to provide a Fault Warning
instead of a Fault Trip with
user adjustable set points.
When a Fault Warning
condition is detected, the
fault condition is reported via
the DIM, network
connection, or an auxiliary
relay configured for this
function. The soft starter
remains in operation. At such
time the fault condition no
longer exists, the Fault
Warning message will be
External Warning
The S811+ will accept a
Warning signal from an
external source or device. In a
fashion similar to the Fault
Warning, the fault condition is
reported via the DIM,
network connection, or an
auxiliary relay configured for
this function. The soft starter
remains in operation. At such
time the fault condition no
longer exists, the Fault
Warning message will be
Custom Fault/Warning
Auxiliary Relays
Up to three fault and/or
warning codes may be
selected to operate an
auxiliary relay configured to
operate when any of these
codes are detected. This
option enables the user to
provide external warnings or
fault indications to increase
monitoring effectiveness and
to provide additional system
Motor Power
Motor Power can be not only
be monitored, but trip levels
can be adjusted to provide
indications of system
malfunctions or operating
discrepancies. Both High and
Low Power thresholds can be
set to provide Fault Warning
or Fault Trip functions.
Additionally, fault delays
times may be set to up to
60 seconds.
Analog Input
An input control terminal
may be configured to accept
a 0–20 mA DC signal with
range scaling. This feature
enables the S811+ to
respond to an external device
that may be monitoring a
critical component or process
and provides Fault Trip or
Fault Warning capability to
protect operating systems
and processes.
Start Delay
Three start delay timers are
available to enhance motor
protection or to provide
simple logic functions to
coordinate motor control with
other devices in the system.
The timers will allow delays
from 24 Vdc power up,
receipt of a valid START
command, or a delay in
switch from one start ramp
profile to another.