Instruction manual

9390 UPS (20–80 kVA) and 9390IT (20-40 kVA) Installation and Operation Manual S 164201603 Rev 4
3. Press the BYPASS pushbutton on the System Controls menu bar of any UPM.
The UPMs transfer to Bypass mode.
4. Press the
pushbutton to display System Controls Screen 2.
5. Press the PM OFF pushbutton on the System Controls menu bar.
The power module (PM) status indicates SHUTDOWN. The input and output
contactors open, the battery breaker or disconnect is tripped, and the power
module is turned off. The bypass source supplies the critical load.
6. Repeat Steps 2, 4, and 5 for each UPM except the last UPM
7. To shut down the last UPM, press the REPO pushbutton switch. See “Using the
Parallel System Remote Emergency Power-off Switch” in paragraph 9.2.9.
The input, output, and bypass backfeed contactors open, the battery breaker or
disconnect is tripped, and the power module is turned off immediately, without
asking for verification.
8. Open all UPM input and bypass (if dual feed) feeder circuit breakers.
The parallel system and critical load is now de‐energized.
9. To restart the parallel system after using the REPO pushbutton, reset the REPO
switch and then follow the procedure in paragraph 9.2.1 or 9.2.2.
9.2.8 Using the UPS LOAD OFF Pushbutton
NOTE The UPM LOAD OFF pushbutton controls only the UPM on which Load Off was activated and only
interrupts the ability of that module to deliver power to the critical bus. The redundant modules continue to
support the critical load. The UPM can be shut down only if the remaining UPMs can support the critical load
without being overloaded. To remove all power from the critical load, use the REPO pushbutton.
A UPS Load Off is initiated by the LOAD OFF pushbutton from the main menu bar or
the System Controls menu bar. The UPS LOAD OFF pushbutton de‐energizes the
critical load and powers down the UPS.
The UPS (including Bypass) remains off until restarted.
To use the LOAD OFF pushbutton:
1. Press the LOAD OFF pushbutton.
The Load Off screen appears, providing a choice to proceed or abort the
All power to the critical load is lost when the LOAD OFF is selected in the following step. You should use this
feature only when you want to de‐energize the critical load.
2. To shut down the UPS, press LOAD OFF from the Load Off menu bar, and hold for
three seconds. To abort the shutdown, press CANCEL.
When LOAD OFF is selected and held for three seconds, the input, output, and
bypass backfeed contactors open, the battery breaker or disconnect is tripped,
and the power module is turned off.