
EAW Smaart 6 Operation Manual Smaart 6 Commands
Average: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, Inf, Fast, Slow, Exp
Average Type: RMS or Vector
Y+/-: Shifts the vertical offset of the traces up or down.
Show Time Windowed Data: This box must be selected to access the Time Window
Y+/- and Time Window controls. Note that all Time Window controls are disabled
when FPPO is selected as the FFT option. Selecting this option displays time-win-
dowed versions of the Frequency Response (Phase and Magnitude) traces.
Time Window Y+/-: Moves the time-windowed Magnitude trace up or down (in dBs).
Time Window (ms): Sets the width of the time window.
Coherence Blanking
Solid Above: The Coherence trace is drawn with a solid red line if the Coherence value
is above the level set here. This value defaults to 80%, which is considered a reliable
Coherence value.
Invisible Below: The Coherence trace is not drawn if the Coherence value is below the
value set here. This value defaults to 10%, which is considered an unreliable Coherence
Transparent in between with minimum opacity: Frequency Response (Magnitude
and Phase) traces are drawn with variable transparency, based on coherence, where higher
values are more opaque and lower values are more transparent. The minimum opacity
value ensures data traces remain clearly visible all the way down to the minimum acceptable
coherence value (the Invisible Below threshold). The default for this minimum opacity
value is 30%. Under difficult viewing conditions, you may want to set it higher to make
low-coherence data more visible. Setting it to 100 effectively disables coherence blanking.