
Fuel supply
Fuel quality for petrol heaters
The heater runs smoothly on standard commercial
quality petrol in accordance with DIN EN 228, which
you use to run your vehicle engine.
Fuel quality for diesel heaters
The heater runs smoothly on standard commercial
quality diesel in accordance with DIN EN 590, which
you use to run your vehicle engine.
Fuel for special cases
In special cases (above 0 °C), the heater can also run
on fuel oil EL or paraffin.
Fuel for low temperatures
Refineries and fuel service stations automatically
adjust the fuel to normal winter temperatures (winter
diesel). This means that difficulties are only to be
expected for extreme drops in temperature, as also
apply to the vehicle engine. Please also refer to the
vehicle manual.
If the heater is run from a separate tank, please
comply with the following rules:
For temperatures above 0 °C, any kind of diesel fuel
as per DIN EN 590 can be used.
If no special diesel fuel is available for low
temperatures, then paraffin or petrol should be mixed
with the fuel according to the following table:
Temperature Winterdiesel Addition
0 °C to –25 °C 100%
–25 °C to –40 °C 50%* 50% paraffin
or petrol
* or 100% special cold diesel fuel (Arctic diesel)
• Mixtures with used oil are not allowed!
After refuelling with winter or cold diesel or the listed
blends, the fuel pipes and the dosing pump must be
filled with the new fuel by letting the heater run for
15 mins.!
Please note!
Operation with biodiesel (PME)
The heater is not certified for operation with biodiesel.
Biodiesel can be added to the fuel to up to 10%.
The diesel heaters are certified for operation with
biodiesel as per DIN V 51606 in a free-flowing state up
to –8 °C.
When using 100% biodiesel, the heater should be
operated twice a year with diesel fuel (in the middle
and at the end of a heating period) to burn off any
possible PME deposits.
To do so, let the vehicle tank run almost empty and
fill with diesel fuel without adding any biodiesel.
While running on this tank filling, switch the heater
on 2 to 3 times for 30 minutes at a time at the
highest temperature setting.
When operating with diesel/biodiesel mixtures of up
to 50% biodiesel, intermediate operation with pure
diesel fuel is not necessary.
Please note!