User's Manual

ANSI Electric Meter v3.1 User’s Guide 13
Meter Operation Overview
The Echelon ANSI electric meter provides a comprehensive set of energy services
when operating within the NES system. The meter supplies automatic encrypted
data transfer and diagnostic reporting to NES System Software by communicating
with an Echelon Data Concentrator over local power lines using PLC technology. An
optical port provides local communication for direct programming and data reading.
The meter measures active power and energy for both forward and reverse, reactive
power and energy for import and export, voltage, current, power factor, and
frequency. Data can be recorded in up to 4 perpetual-calendar Time-of-Use (TOU)
registers. The data can be logged in intervals of 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes, or 1-day, with
up to 8 channels per interval.
A programmable display presents comprehensive local information on meter
operation and customer power consumption. Additional messaging features supply
power quality information and tamper detection. LEDs are included for test
functions. An optional KYZ output is also available.
Remote or local disconnect of customer power allows automatic prepay metering
functions, power limiting, and service cancellation control. An optional control relay
can turn an external device on or off based on tariff periods, or by command from
NES System Software or the Provisioning Tool.
NES version 3.1 meters optionally support demand metering, which offer various
types of calculations that can be performed to measure the peak active and reactive
power being delivered to the system over a designated time period. For more
information on demand metering, see Chapter 4, Demand Metering.
NES version 3.1 meters also include a Multipurpose Expansion Port (MEP) that
allows external MEP devices to connect to the meter and access meter data and run
meter procedures. For more information on MEP devices, see Chapter 6, MEP
Reading the Display
The indicators on the meter display designate which value is being displayed and
provide indication of various operating parameters. The format of the 8-digit value is
configurable as to the number of digits, viewing of leading zeros, and the decimal
point location. See the NES Provisioning Tool User’s Guide for information on
configuring display options. Refer to Figure 3.1 and the following table for a
description of the display features:
Figure 3.1: Meter Display, All Segments Lit
Value ID
code, 4
8 digits.