User's Manual

ANSI Electric Meter v3.1 User’s Guide 19
Value Type Item Description
Summation / accumulators Import reactive kvarh L1+L2+L3
Summation / accumulators Export reactive kvarh L1+L2+L3
Summation / accumulators Power outage duration minutes (accumulation of all outages since last reset)
Summation / accumulators Power outage count (number of outages since count was last reset to 0)
Summation / accumulators Error Counter - A count of the number of alarms that have occurred for RAM
Failure, Non-Volatile Memory Failure, Clock Error, Measurement Error,
Cover Removed, and Save-All Aborted.
Present / instantaneous Forward active kW L1+L2+L3
Present / instantaneous Reverse active kW L1+L2+L3
Present / instantaneous Import reactive kvar L1+L2+L3
Present / instantaneous Export reactive kvar L1+L2+L3
Present / instantaneous RMS current L1
Present / instantaneous RMS current L2
Present / instantaneous RMS current L3
Present / instantaneous RMS voltage L1
Present / instantaneous RMS voltage L2
Present / instantaneous RMS voltage L3
Present / instantaneous Power factor L1
Present / instantaneous Power factor L2
Present / instantaneous Power factor L3
Present / instantaneous VA power L1+L2+L3
Present / instantaneous Frequency
Present / instantaneous Sine of phase angle L1 (angle between voltage and current on L1)
Present / instantaneous Sine of phase angle L2 (angle between voltage and current on L2)
Present / instantaneous Sine of phase angle L3 (angle between voltage and current on L3)
Demand Date/time
Demand Previous demand value
Demand Present demand value
Demand Cumulative demand value
Demand Continuous cumulative demand value
Demand Maximum demand value
Note: The demand values listed above are available to be displayed for any of the 8 configurable demand
sources. The 8 demand sources are forward power, reverse power, forward + reverse power, and forward
- reverse active power, as well as for reactive power for all 4 quadrants.
Historical demand reset
Forward active kWh L1+L2+L3
Historical demand reset
Reverse active kWh L1+L2+L3
Historical demand reset
Forward + reverse active kWh L1+L2+L3