User's Manual

ANSI Electric Meter v3.1 User’s Guide 43
Alarm Name Description Event ID Descriptor
Load Side
Depending on your meter’s
configuration, this even may incicate that
the meter has detected load side voltage
when the load disconnect contactor is in
the open state. You can configure the
meter to trigger either this alarm or the
Disconnect Switch Error alarm when
load side voltage is detected.
By default, the meter will use the Load
Side Voltage Detected alarm, unless
your meter was upgraded to use the v3.1
firmware from a version that did not
include the Load Side Voltage Detected
107 Bits 0-1 of the argument are used to indicate the type
of load side voltage detected:
0 = Unknown
1 = Load side present, but phase cannot be
2 = Load side voltage is present. If this is set to 1,
then the following rules regarding bits 2-4 apply:
If Bit 2 is set to 1, then load side voltage is
present on phase A.
If Bit 3 is set to 1, then load side voltage is
present on phase B.
If Bit 4 is set to 1, then load side voltage is
present on phase C.
Standard Tables
The following are the standard meter tables that can be selected for inclusion in the
event log, when the status event Table Written To is selected.
Table Name Description
3 Meter Alarms and Status Present meter status and all triggered alarms.
5 Device Identification Meter hardware configuration and user-specified
identification information.
6 Utility Information 1 Includes software version and vendor information and
username of last user to provision the meter.
15 Transformer Ratio Current transformer ratio.
23 Present Register Data Present register data of energy measurements and
calculations as well as error counters, total power outage
minutes and number of occurrences.
24 Previous Season Data A snapshot of the present register data taken at the time of
the last season change.
26 Self-Read Data A snapshot of the present register data taken at the
programmed Self-Read time intervals. The most recent
and up to 11 sets of previous Self-Read data are included.
33 Primary Display List Items included for display and the duration and order.
53 Time Offset Time zone offset and daylight saving time settings.
54 TOU Calendar The Time-of-Use and Self-Read schedule settings.
73 Event Log Setup Controls which events are logged.
4150 Pending TOU Calendar Contains the pending TOU calendar for the meter.
Manufacturer Tables
The following are the meter manufacturer tables that can be selected for inclusion in
the event log, when the status event Table Written To is selected.