
200 Built-In Variables, Objects, Symbols, and Semaphore
resp_out Object
The resp_out object contains an outgoing response message to be sent in response
to an incoming request message. The response message inherits its priority and
authentication designation from the request to which it is replying. Because the
response is returned to the origin of the request, no message tag is necessary.
The type is a structure predefined in Neuron C as shown below:
struct {
int code;
int data[MAXDATA];
} resp_out;
The various fields of the resp_out object are:
code Message code of the outgoing response message.
data Message data.
Constructing a Response
in Chapter 6,
How Devices Communicate Using
Application Messages,
of the
Neuron C Programmer's Guide
for a more detailed
description of this structure.
Built-In Symbols
The Neuron C compiler defines a number of pre-processor symbols, listed in
Table 32, that allow you to share common code with different versions of the
compiler or between Neuron-hosted applications and host-based applications that
use a model file.
Table 32. Built-In Symbols
Symbol Description
_ECHELON Defined for all versions of the Neuron C compiler in the
<echelon.h> file.
_FTXL Defined for the Neuron C compiler that is included with
the FTXL LonTalk Interface Developer utility for model
_ILON Defined for the Neuron C compiler that is included with
.LON SmartServer LonTalk Interface Developer
utility for model files.
_LID3 Defined for the Neuron C compiler that is included with
version 3 of the LonTalk Interface Developer utility for
model files.
_MINIKIT Defined for the Neuron C compiler that is included with
the Mini FX Evaluation Kit.
_MODEL_FILE Defined for the Neuron C compiler that is included with all
versions of the LonTalk Interface Developer utility for
model files.