
64 Functions
boolean fl_gt(const float_type *arg1,
const float_type *arg2);
Returns TRUE if the first argument is greater than the second
argument, otherwise FALSE: (arg1 > arg2).
lt boolean fl_lt(const float_type *arg1,
const float_type *arg2);
Returns TRUE if the first argument is less than the second argument,
otherwise FALSE: (arg1 < arg2).
ge boolean fl_ge(const float_type *arg1,
const float_type *arg2);
Returns TRUE if the first argument is greater than or equal to the
second argument, otherwise FALSE: (arg1 >= arg2).
le boolean fl_le(const float_type *arg1,
const float_type *arg2);
Returns TRUE if the first argument is less than or equal to the second
argument, otherwise FALSE: (arg1 <= arg2).
cmp int fl_cmp(const float_type *arg1,
const float_type *arg2);
Returns +1 if the first argument is greater than the second argument, -1
if it is less, or 0 if it is equal.
Miscellaneous Floating-Point Functions
Table 24 lists miscellaneous floating-point functions.
Table 24. Floating-Point Functions
sign int fl_sign(const float_type *arg);
Sign function, returns +1 if the argument is positive, 0 if the argument
is zero, or -1 if the argument is negative.
rand void fl_rand(float_type *arg);
Returns a random number uniformly distributed in the range [ 0.0, 1.0 )
– that is, including the number 0.0, but not including the number 1.0.
Floating-Point to/from Integer Conversions
Table 25 on page 65 lists the conversion functions for floating-point and integer