User guide

106 Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
NCC# Description
Codegen option set by pragma instead of by command option [NCC#476]
This warning is provided because the NodeBuilder 3 has user-interface
controls for certain code generation options, such as the disabling of the
compiler's optimizer, but the program is overriding them. Without this
warning, a user of the NodeBuilder 3 might think they turned off certain
compiler features when, in fact, the program is still turning these options
Declaration of ‘cp’ or ‘cp_family’ requires use of a CPT [NCC#477]
A declaration of a configuration parameter
use a SCPT or UCPT type
in its declaration. This is required by the
Application Layer
Interoperability Guidelines
Declaration of ‘cp’ network variable should use a CPT referencing an NVT
When a program is using a standard program ID, all configuration property
network variables should be declared with a SCPT or UCPT type that is a
reference of a network variable type (SNVT or UNVT). Otherwise, the
network variable will appear to a network management tool to be of
"unknown type" rather than "interoperable type".
Network variable type is not a SNVT or UNVT [NCC#479]
When a program is using a standard program ID, all network variables
should be declared with a SNVT or UNVT type. Otherwise, the network
variable will appear to a network management tool to be of "unknown type"
rather than "interoperable type".
External resource string not found in any available string resource file
The external_resource_name feature in the declaration of a functional block
permits the lookup of a string (in US English) in a L
Resource File, and the compiler will automatically convert this string into
its <scope>:<index> reference. This message indicates that no device
resource file applying to this device contained the string.
String constant is too long [NCC#481]
No Neuron C string constant may exceed 65,000 characters.
The external name of fblock ‘<fb-name-1>’ is a duplicate of ‘<fb-name-2>’
Functional blocks must have unique external names. (All elements of a
functional block array have the same name, but the network management
tool makes these names unique by using the array index as part of the