Product Brochure

Myrothecium verrucaria
Myrothecium verrucaria is common throughout the world.
cotton. It is an extremely potent cellulose decomposer. It has been formulated
into a pesticide for control of nematodes and weeds.
Health Effects Associated With Myrothecium verrucaria
Little is known about the medical significance of Myrothecium verrucaria.
Penicillium species: the mould that saved millions of lives
Penicillium chrysogenum as seen under a microscope
Penicillium chrysogenum spores
Penicillium is a group (Genus) of moulds found everywhere world-wide. It is
the mould that saved millions of lives by producing the first ever known
modern antibiotic, the penicillin. The discovery of penicillin from the fungus
Penicillium chrysogenum (then known as Penicillium notatum) by Sir Alexan-
der Fleming in 1928, perfected the treatment of bacterial infections.
The name Penicillium comes from the resemblance of the spore producing
structures (conidiophores) of the fungus to a paintbrush (penicillus is the Latin
word for paintbrush). They are found in soil, decaying vegetation, air and are
common contaminants on various substances.
Penicillium causes food spoilage, colonizes leather objects and is an indicator
organism for dampness indoors. Some species are known to produce toxic
compounds (mycotoxins). The spores can trigger allergic reactions in individu-
als sensitive to mould. Therefore, the health of occupants may be adversely
affected in an environment that has an amplification of Penicillium.
Oidiodendron species
There are two common species of Oidiodendron.
Oidiodendron griseum
O. griseum is a widespread fungus. It has been isolated from wood pulp and soil.
Oidiodendron species
Health Effects Associated With Oidiodendron griseum
Little is known about the medical significance of Oidiodendron griseum.
Oidiodendron tenuissimum
O. tenuissimum is commonly isolated from wood and wood pulp, soil, bark and cork.
Health Effects Associated With Oidiodendron tenuissimum
Oidiodendron tenuissimum produces toxic metabolic products under some condi-