Product Information

Wireless connection
Connection steps
1. Press the pow er button to turn on the m achine;
2. P re ss and ho ld the rem o te con trol's frequency pa iring bu tton un til
the rem ote con trol icon ashe s;
3. P re ss and hold the D ELTA P ro frequen cy pa iring bu tton un til the
rem ote con trol icon ashe s.
4. T he rem ote con trol icon w ill stay illum ina ted when the conne ction is
Freque ncy pairing bu tton Power bu tton
Remote control icon
Stan d b y ind ic a tor
O N / O FF
M ain po w er bu tt on
Pow er on : P ress the po wer button
Pow er o : Press and hold the pow er bu tton
Illum inate LCD screen: Press the main po wer button
Tip: The Bluetooth standby feature requires a dial test with the
The three statuses of the remote control are shown in the following
1. The rem ote control is not connected;
2. The rem ote control ha s conn ected to the m achine success fully;
3. The rem ote con trol has con ne cted to the m achine succ ess fu lly and
the m achine is turned o ;
O N / O FF