User Manual

9205-3000 (FAS1548) Nexa™ Touch Free Dispenser Beacon User’s Guide
Ecolab, Inc.
Ecolab P/N
4 of 14
The ENCOMPASS HAND HYGIENE COMPLIANCE MONITORING SYSTEM (Encompass HH CMS) is a state of the art wireless hand
hygiene reminder system, designed to enable best practices for proper hand hygiene in a healthcare facility. Multiple studies
from organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have repeatedly
demonstrated that proper hand hygiene leads directly to improved infection control and a reduction in Healthcare Associated
Infections (HAI). The ENCOMPASS HH CMS is a cost-effective, energy efficient, robust and easily installed system for coaching
healthcare workers (HCWs) to always wash or sanitize their hands before and after patient contact. The system can be divided
into three parts, hardware components, the proprietary wireless network and the Dashboard web-based application.
1.1 Hardware Components
The ENCOMPASS HAND HYGIENE COMPLIANCE MONITORING SYSTEM is built on individual components or devices that
work in concert to deliver real-time individual hand hygiene status to HCWs and near real-time statistics for both onsite
and offsite monitoring of current and historical hand hygiene compliance data. Currently, the wireless components of
the Bed Beacon.
1.1.1 Healthcare Worker Badge
The Badge is a wireless device worn by the HCW to provide real-time notification of the HCW’s current hand hygiene
status. Notification is provided by both visual and audible alerts. The Badge is responsible for determining,
maintaining and transmitting the current hand hygiene status of the HCW to other ENCOMPASS HH CMS components.
1.1.2 Dispenser Beacon
The Dispenser Beacon is attached to or embedded within a soap or sanitizer dispenser. Its function is to communicate
with the Badge worn by the HCW when the dispenser is activated (dispense event), collect dispense event data from
that Badge and then transmit the collected data to a network where it will ultimately be sent to an offsite server for
processing and archiving.
1.1.3 Bed Beacon
The Bed Beacon is mounted to a patient bed. Its function is to communicate with the Badge worn by the HCW, when
the HCW comes in close proximity to the patient bed (bed event), collect bed event data from that Badge, and then
transmit the collected data to a network where it will ultimately be sent to an offsite server for processing and
1.2 Proprietary Wireless Network
Encompass HH CMS utilizes a proprietary wireless mesh network to transport event data collected by Dispenser Beacons
and Bed Beacons to the offsite server for processing and archiving. The proprietary wireless network is composed of two
types of devices: Hubs and a Gateway.
1.2.1 Hubs
Hubs are installed throughout a healthcare facility and communicate with nearby Bed Beacons and Dispenser Beacons.
When an event is generated by a Beacon, it broadcasts the event data to the nearest Hub. The Hub then receives the
event data and rebroadcasts it to the Gateway (if it is in range) or to the next nearest Hub with the data being passed
from Hub to Hub until it reaches the Gateway.
1.2.2 Gateway
The Gateway receives event data generated by Dispenser Beacons or Bed Beacons directly, if they are in range, or
from Hubs which act as repeaters. The Gateway then transmits the event data to an offsite server via cellular modem,
for processing and archiving.